I organize the event on this New Year's Eve and New Year at Warsaw. It's not official but private one. Why don't you come here and spend an enthusiastic time?
Celebrate 2013 year at Warsaw, Poland!
There are less than one and a half month left in this year! I decided to create an event to spend New Year's Eve at Warsaw. I'd like you to join.
"I stay at my hometown."
"I go to somewhere for vacation."
Is there anyone who have already decided such a thing?
Let's spend together and break through the daily life at Warsaw this time!
Why do we spend at Warsaw? That's because I stay there!!
Let's create a hot memory in cold Eastern Europe.
The detailed schedule such as where to meet, what to do, has not decided yet. I tell you there as soon as they are decided. However, if you have any interest for the keywords below, I'd like you to join.
+who want to meet with many people beyond nationality or race
+who are eager to dive into a different, enthusiastic world
+who have interest to Poland
+who travel around Europe
+who want to meet with me!
it will depend on the number of people who join what will happen or be created. There is no telling about that!
If you have any enthusiasm for above, let's go and meet with me on 31 December!
This is an event to meet together and back up on the spot, so be responsible to come to the place or reserve the flight.
If you want to check my profile, please check the link below.
http://www.linkedin.com/ in/tatsuyayabuuchi
みなさん、2012年も残すところあと一ヶ月半を切りま した!
Celebrate 2013 year at Warsaw, Poland!
There are less than one and a half month left in this year! I decided to create an event to spend New Year's Eve at Warsaw. I'd like you to join.
"I stay at my hometown."
"I go to somewhere for vacation."
Is there anyone who have already decided such a thing?
Let's spend together and break through the daily life at Warsaw this time!
Why do we spend at Warsaw? That's because I stay there!!
Let's create a hot memory in cold Eastern Europe.
The detailed schedule such as where to meet, what to do, has not decided yet. I tell you there as soon as they are decided. However, if you have any interest for the keywords below, I'd like you to join.
+who want to meet with many people beyond nationality or race
+who are eager to dive into a different, enthusiastic world
+who have interest to Poland
+who travel around Europe
+who want to meet with me!
it will depend on the number of people who join what will happen or be created. There is no telling about that!
If you have any enthusiasm for above, let's go and meet with me on 31 December!
This is an event to meet together and back up on the spot, so be responsible to come to the place or reserve the flight.
If you want to check my profile, please check the link below.
今回、2012年の年越し企画をポーランドのワルシャワ で実施することを決定しましたので、一人でも多くの方に お集り頂ければ嬉しく思います。
日常を吹き飛ばして、新しい一年をワルシャワで迎えまし ょう!
この年末年始は、日本より一段と人肌寒い東欧のポーラン ドで、日本を越えたアツさを一緒にクリエイトしませんか ??
※現時点で具体的な集合場所、イベント内容は決まってい ません。
詳細は決定し次第更新・広報させて頂きますが、以下のキ ーワードにピンと来る方、心の奥底が動く方は、是非とも 万障繰り合わせのうえ参加して頂ければと思います。
・いつもと同じ年越しは嫌だ、何か違う世界に飛び込んで みたい、とムラムラしている方
参加人数の多寡により、生まれるものも異なってくると思 います。これについては、僕も分かりません。
そんなワクワクな心を持っておられる方、12月31日に ワルシャワでお会いしましょう!
※現地集合・現地解散のイベントですので、航空券の予約 等は各自の責任でお願いいたします。
主催者の生い立ち等に関しては以下のリンクを参照して下 さい。
http:// tatsuyayabuuchi.blogspot.jp /p/biography-japanese.html
If you are interested in joining this event, click the button "join" on the facebook page below.
I'm looking forward to seeing you at Warsaw!
If you are interested in joining this event, click the button "join" on the facebook page below.
I'm looking forward to seeing you at Warsaw!
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